
But God. . .

But God. . .

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I don’t know about how any of the rest of you are feeling right now, but I AM STRUGGLING! It has been a LONG, LONG 5 Months. I wake up in the morning and I find myself begging God to fix this mess we are living in right now. My prayers are filled with a lot of “But God, Please. . .” and “But God, Why?” phrases.

I have been keeping a prayer journal since January. I am sure that it will be quite interesting to look back on someday, after we get through whatever it is exactly we are trying to get through right now.

Last week I decided that I needed to refocus my prayers a bit. I know that from past Bible Study time that there are a lot of “But God” phrases in the Bible and it was probably time for me to spend some time reading them and writing them down.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
— Psalm 73:26

But God is my strength on the days that I am so weary.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
— Matthew 19:26

But God can do anything when I want to give up.

. . .for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But God’s word is not chained.
— 2 Timothy 2:9

On days when social media and the news media make me crazy and ugly words sting deep, But God’s Word is Truth and the Truth will prevail.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
— Romans 5:8

But God loves us and at the end of that day, that is what is going to get us all through.

I know the end of this story. His Story and I sure hope that I am shining His light in the middle of all the ugly that is happening right now. I love words, words are so, so very powerful. But God’s Words, they are the ones that matter.

I was raised in a household that I always felt like I could have an opinion. I have a strong personality and I generally always feel like I have an answer. However, my mom said to me all the time (and still does), “If Amy ruled the world, but you don’t, so…” Not everyone always agrees with me and up until the past few months I felt like I could have an opinion and even if we don’t agree, it was o’kay.

I am not sure what happened over the past few months, but we are doing a really good job of proving that we are broken people and we need Jesus.

I have a flower bed that I never touch. It is in my yard in a place that the sprinkler system must hit it just right and I NEVER touch it. It has everything it needs to produce beautiful flowers like the ones shown below.


Every year, I try to plant my flowers in pots to add a little color to my home. They always start out really great, and then I get busy, I forget they are there and most years they end up looking like they do in the picture below.


These flowers remind me that I am so imperfect. There are days that my heart feels like these flowers look.

but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.
— John 4:14

I am so thankful for a God that supplies every single thing I need, even when I don’t always see Him working. And he never ever forgets about me or you.

So try not to forget that even in such a time as this when we want to give up and give in, But God will OVERCOME the world and God Wins.

I Am Over This. . .Quarantine Cleaning Week 950

I Am Over This. . .Quarantine Cleaning Week 950